Every One Every Day Assets Update


Throughout 2023, one of the most important parts of our work was to figure out how to ensure, as far as possible, that the workshops and equipment our charity owned on behalf of the residents of Barking and Dagenham could continue to have a useful life in the borough after we close.

We worked with residents and partners to develop an approach to:

•Ensure we gifted as much as possible to other groups and organisations in the borough

•Maximise the ongoing opportunities that the equipment was able to create for residents, and ensure nothing went to waste

•Gather proposals from across the borough

•Hand decision making over who should get what to a panel representing the interests of the borough as a whole, with residents no less than 50% of the panel membership

•Ensure we met our grant obligations and charitable objectives in closure


What We did

STEP 1 : Inviting proposals and applications from across the borough

We communicated far and wide, and met with many residents and organisations to encourage them to work up and submit applications to an open process. We received over 40 applications in total from both informal groups with good ideas, as well as existing organisations.

STEP 2: Cross-borough decision making

 We set up an independent panel made up of borough partners such as the council, funders and the CVS, as well as residents who were nominated by others in an open process. Residents made up 50% of the panel’s members, which was chaired by Cameron Bray from BD Giving. While PCF did not sit on the panel, the panel’s recommendations were passed to the PCF Board of Trustees, who endorsed them in full.


STEP 3: Finding new homes for important assets

With only two exceptions the panel made clear recommendations to rehouse all Warehouse workshops. This means that the assets will continue to live in the borough and be accessible to residents, and that many local groups and organisations will have their work strengthened through their stewardship of these important pieces of equipment.

STEP 4: Ensuring ongoing resident access

We have been working with recipient organisations to finalise the arrangements through which they will take on their new equipment. This means signing grant agreements with each of them which generally commit them to ensuring a level of free resident access as a condition of being gifted the items. You can find full details about where the assets now live, who is hosting them, and how to access them below.


Click on the areas below to see where the assets have gone to

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