the lunch box

all about helping parents and children eat healthier while on the go. By sharing tasty and affordable lunch box ideas.


Have you ever been on a trip and had to buy fast food as it was the only option available? Do you struggle to think up new ideas for your children’s lunch box at school? Are you looking for exciting, healthy and affordable ideas for your lunch box?

The Lunch Box project is all about helping parents and children eat healthier while on the go. By sharing tasty and affordable lunch box ideas that anyone can make, it’s a win win for everyone!

The Lunch Box project was started by mother and daughter, Roseann and Sylvia (11 years old). Roseann has lived in the borough for 25 years and loves to make healthy food that Sylvia will enjoy. Sylvia is home educated so she is often out and about exploring, and every adventurer needs a healthy lunch to keep them going!

the lunch box session’s coming soon!
