nature Camp

a way for everyone to connect with nature and start living a more sustainable life by learning to grow, being creative and recycling.


Nature Camp is another take on the forest school style where residents are encouraged to learn more about how to live a natural, more sustainable lifestyle.

Residents have been growing in the shops and on Open Corners since the project began and have expressed that they wanted to reconnect to nature and create something that will explore options of becoming fully sustainable in their everyday life

They believe if children grow up with these tools they are more likely to live a life that’s better for their health and the environment.

Before the Spring programme in 2018 residents got together with the Neighbourhood team and co-designed sessions that explored nature in different creative ways.

Residents came up with a two day camp that explored creative growing. Residents took part in a Wild Walk to plant seed bombs in a local green space, painted with nature using sticks and leaves to paint with and also played with clay, by imprinting leaves and flowers on clay.

nature camp session’s coming soon!
